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Lesterol helping to maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level

Posted on 19th Jan 2011 @ 4:24 PM


Lesterol helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Lesterol also supports the natural immune system and helps maintain cardiovascular fitness.

Beta-sitosterol is one of hundreds of plant-derived 'sterol' compounds (including sterols and sterolins) that have structural similarity to the cholesterol made in our bodies. The most prevalent phytosterols in the diet are Beta-sitosterol, compesterol and stigmasterol. Plant oils contain the highest concentration of phytosterols - so nuts and seeds contain fairly high levels and all fruits and vegetables generally contain some amount of phytosterols. Perhaps the best way to obtain Beta-sitosterol is to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds (which obviously brings numerous other benefits as well) or to take a daily dose of LESTEROL®.

Why Beta sitosterol and stabilised Allicin?

*Help to maintain normal cholesterol levels
*Immune system support (especially during stress)
*Relieves allergies
*Reduces cancer risk (prostate, breast, colon)
*Anti-inflammatory and pain relieving activity
*Relieves symptoms of enlarge prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH)

Stabilised Allicin is a unique extract from fresh garlic and has a number of exciting properties. Only recently, decades after allicin was first identified in the laboratory, has it been possible to produce a stabilised form on a commercial scale. A team of chemists and chemical process engineers have pioneered and patented the unique process of water-based extraction and freeze drying that made this possible.

This milestone achievement has finally made it possible for researchers to explore allicin’s potential more fully and more freely to confirm the most incredible spectrum of activity not only against a host of common ailments, including maintaining a healthy cholesterol level, but also against many of today’s most pressing problems – resistant bacteria, virus and fungal infections. Stabilised Allicin has also been proven to have a great deal of synergy with other natural extracts leading to an increased activity.

Beta-sitosterol and stabilised Allicin also appear to modulate immune function, inflammation and pain levels through their effects on controlling the production of inflammatory cytokines. This modulation of cytokine production and activity may help control allergies and reduce prostate enlargement.

In terms of immune function, both stabilised Allicin and Beta-sitosterol have been shown (in humans) to normalise the function of T-helper lymphocytes and natural killer cells following stressful events (such as marathon running or infection) which normally suppress immune system function. In addition to alleviating much of the post-exercise immune suppression that occurs following endurance competitions, Beta-sitosterol has also been shown to normalize the ratio of catabolic stress hormones (cortisol) to anabolic (rebuilding) hormones such as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)

In terms of cholesterol control, several human studies have shown that products containing a mixture of phytosterols including Beta-sitosterol, compesterol and stigmasterol, as found in LESTEROL® consumed for 3-4 weeks, can reduce total and LDL cholesterol concentrations by about 20%. Doses used vary but the general acceptance is that approximately 300mg of sterol complex have been associated with a reduction in total and LDL cholesterol levels of about 5-15% in subjects with elevated cholesterol levels.

Long-term safety studies have not been performed on Beta-sitosterol as a dietary supplement - but the compound is so widespread in the diet, that it is generally regarded as safe. No significant side effects or drug interactions have been reported in any of the studies investigating Beta-sitosterol or stabilised Allicin. Pharmacological testing of stabilised Allicin indicates that at least 750 capsules could be consumed all in one go and would still show no detrimental effects.

Beta-sitosterol has good evidence of effectiveness in treating BPH and as a cholesterol-lowering supplement, again, the evidence for Beta-sitosterol is very good. Becker M, et al J Pediatrics, 1993. As an immune-enhancer, Allicin has much more evidence of effectiveness, but Beta-sitosterol appears to be quite beneficial in maintaining immune function during periods of heightened stress (such as exercise recovery). As a cancer-preventive agent, the animal and test-tube data for Beta-sitosterol and stabilised Allicin is certainly tantalizing, but preliminary, and needs further substantiation in humans.

Why is my cholesterol level important?

Although there have been controversial discussions concerning the significance of high cholesterol levels alone for the incidence of arteriosclerosis (hardening of your coronary arteries), several recent studies clearly show that a correlation exists between the concentration of blood lipids and the narrowing of coronary vessels. Some studies, including the large Framingham study, have revealed a significant correlation between serum cholesterol and the risk for heart disease in both men and women (Castelli, 1988). Furthermore, a major 25-year follow-up study in the United States, Europe and Japan has recently shown that increased serum total cholesterol levels are directly associated with increased coronary heart disease in all cultures (Verschuren et al., 1995).

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that is present in blood. Cholesterol is necessary for life. It aids in digestion and acts as a precursor for Vitamin D and certain hormones. It is needed in minute amounts. The body manufactures all of the cholesterol it requires.

Excess cholesterol is absorbed into the arterial walls, in the heart and elsewhere in the body causing the build up of layers of plaque that can ultimately lead to blockages. Heart attacks, strokes, and other serious problems often result.

Not all cholesterol is the same. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol) is considered "bad" since it causes plaque to build up in the arteries. High-density lipoprotein (HDL-cholesterol) is referred to as "good" cholesterol since it does the opposite, carrying plaque away from the arterial wall to the liver and out of the body.

This means that epidemiological investigations (population surveys) and clinical studies have established that an elevated serum LDL-cholesterol is a major contributing factor of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, individuals who have very high total cholesterol levels are generally twice as likely to experience a heart attack or a stroke than individuals with a moderate cholesterol level (American Heart Association, 2003).

Diet and lifestyle are the first things that can be changed to help maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

· Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
· Reduce saturated fat consumption
· Increase exercise levels
· Stop smoking
· Moderate your alcohol consumption
· Reduce stress levels

Both the plant sterol and stabilised allicin are thought to block the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol during the normal digestive process in the small intestine. Allicin is also capable of preventing the deposit of bad cholesterol (LDL) into your main arteries by preventing oxidation of naturally produced cholesterol.

Treatment regimen
Entirely natural extracts like allicin can take a little longer to work than pharmaceutical drugs because they offer a cascade of benefits to the whole body. So it is important to persevere with a natural extract for at least 3 months before you assess its effectiveness. Many other benefits to your immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems are possible as well as helping to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Because naturally derived agents provide a convenient, lactose- and fat-free way to supplement a healthy diet at any mealtime with the amounts of beta-sitosterol and stabilised allicin research indicates could be helpful, these are suitable for everyone including vegetarians, people with diabetes, those following a lactose-free or gluten-free diet, and women who are pregnant. Take 1 to 4 capsules of allicin plus beta-sitosterol every day.