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Homeopathy Chart A-Z

Posted on 7th Feb 2011 @ 1:58 PM

Homeopathy Chart A-Z

A - Z Reference of Weleda OTC Homeopathic Remedies

Aconite  Beginnings of influenza and colds; fear; shock
Actaea rac.  Headaches; neuralgia; painful muscles and/or shooting pains; depression; menopause
Allium cepa  Common cold, much sneezing and watering of eyes; hay fever; hacking cough in cold air
Apis mel.   Burning, stinging pains; chilblains; cystitis; boils; swelling of lower eyelids; insect stings; hives
Argent nit.   Anticipatory fear; dyspepsia; headache; mental strain; conjunctivitis
Arnica    After injury; mental and physical shock; before operations, visits to dentist, etc; bruises and sprains; rheumatism
Arsen alb.  Restlessness; vomiting; diarrhoea; stomach upsets from food poisoning
Belladonna  Hot, flushed face; shiny eyes; sore throat; facial neuralgia; throbbing earache; throbbing boils; throbbing headache
Bellis perennis  Lumbago; bruises
Bryonia  Chesty colds; coughs; arthritis
Calc. carb.  Profuse periods; cold extremities; cramp; depression; craving for salt
Calc. fluor.  Piles which bleed and itch; for the prevention of tooth decay and the stimulation of the formulation of tooth enamel
Calc. phos.  General debility associated with arthritic conditions particularly if indigestion also suffered; general debility; mental debility
Cantharis    Burns and scalds before blisters form; cystitis; burning pain in bladder both before and after passing water; sunburn
Carbo veg.  Indigestion with excessive flatulence; varicose veins
Causticum  Raw, burning, sore pain with chesty cough and sore throat; hoarseness; stiff neck, rheumatism; contractures of tendons, incontinence
Chamomilla  Teething; irritability and restlessness; colic; green slimy diarrhoea; total intolerance to pain
Cina  Worms; itchiness of nose and anus; nausea with white diarrhoea
Cocculus  Travel sickness; nausea with hollow sensation in stomach; nausea during pregnancy
Coffea  Sleeplessness due to mental activity; tension, agitation
Colocynthis  Colic; stomach pains, flatulence, cramp; stitching pain
Cuprum met. Cramp in extremities; poor circulation; whooping cough, vomiting
Drosera  Coughs; whooping cough; persistent, irritating cough with retching and vomiting
Euphrasia Conjunctivitis; inflamed burning eyes; hay fever; catarrh
Ferr. phos. Colds; inflammation of the respiratory tract; a tonic for general debility resulting from influenza
Gelsemium Colds; influenza; sore throat; runny nose; tight headaches; nervous anxiety
Graphites  Dry skin eruptions on scalp and body; eczema; dry, cracked fingertips; dandruff; catarrh
Hamamelis  Varicose veins; piles; chilblains; bruises
Hepar sulph.  Purulent discharges; body odour; choking sensations; general hypersensitivity
Hypericum  Very painful cuts and wounds; blows to fingers or toes; horsefly bites
Ignatia  Weepiness; bereavement; hysteria; loss of appetite
Ipecac.  Any illness where there is constant nausea and sickness; morning sickness in pregnancy; bronchitis; asthma
Kali bich.  Sinus troubles; catarrh with stringy discharge; coughs; sore throat; nausea and vomiting, particularly after alcohol
Kali phos.  Nervous exhaustion; nervous indigestion; bad breath; giddiness from exhaustion and weakness
Lachesis  Hot flushes and depression in menopause; menstrual pain when relieved by flow
Ledum  Puncture wounds from sharp pointed objects; muscle pains after stings, puncture wound and injections, insect bites
Lycopodium  Excessive flatulence; constipation; excessive hunger; anxiety; headache
Merc. sol.  Bad breath; body odour; sore throat; mouth abscess
Mixed Pollen  Hay fever where triggered by pollen
Nat mur.  Sinus troubles; sneezy cold; runny nose; cold sores; migraine; craving for salt
Nux vom.  Nervous indigestion; early morning liverishness; indigestion 2-3 hours after eating; travel sickness; irritability; stuffy nose; hay fever
Phosphorus  Bronchitis; dry cough; hypersensitivity; night sweat
Phytolacca  Mastitis; ulceration of mouth & throat; sore throat stiff neck with inability to swallow; shooting pains like electric shocks
Pulsatilla  Weepiness, particularly in children and pre-menstrual women; menopause; catarrh; styes
Rhus tox.  Rheumatism; lumbago sciatica; sprains of joints or tendons; herpes; shingles; chicken pox
Ruta grav.  Bruised bones; fractures; dislocations; sprains
Sepia  Menopausal symptoms, often combined with depression; hot flushes; pre-menstrual tension and depression; morning sickness in pregnancy; debility
Silicea  Boils; abscesses; general improvement of skin, hair, fingernails, sinus troubles; headaches
Sulphur  Itching skin; dry skin problems, eczema; boils; inflamed, red orifices; burning sensations - eg feet hot in bed
Symphytum  Bone fractures; bone injuries; rheumatic and arthritic conditions resulting from broken bones
Thuja  Warts; styes; chronic skin conditions; dandruff; body odour
Urtica urens  Urticaria; stinging burns and scalds; itchy blotches on skin